Many people turn to acupuncture at the point of desperation. that was certainly true for Henry gillespie.
Once a London-based musician and roadie, his life changed forever in 2010, when his dad was diagnosed with lung cancer.
Desperate to help, Henry looked into every available treatment—searching for something, anything, that might ease his poor dad’s pain.
Then he found acupuncture.
Turns out it was fast, safe, and backed by science.
Not long after, Henry quit his job to study biomedicine, then qualify as an acupuncturist and naturopath.
The reason why was simple: He wanted to help people feel better, faster.
Fast-forward to today—when seeing your GP can sometimes feel impossible—Henry has been a trusted treatment option for more than 1,000 patients with a wide range of conditions.
Best of all, Henry’s approach mostly uses just one needle to treat the whole body. This means you might come in with back pain—but also suffer from stress, anxiety and insomnia—then leave feeling better in every way.
Don’t wait till you’re desperate. Neoclassical acupuncture is known ease symptoms from the very first treatment. Why suffer any longer?
Book a session with Henry—and feel better, faster—today.